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Ansible Setup

Ansible setup is now done through Ansible itself plus a short bootstrap script. Please check earlier revisions of this page for manual setup.


  • You have sudo installed and you have sudo permissions.
    • Run sudo apt install in your terminal to check.
  • You have a GPG key pair and SSH key pair on this computer.
    • SSH Key: ssh-keygen -t ed25519
  • Your SSH public key for this computer must be added to your Gitea account. Ideally it's also on other servers.
    • In Gitea, go to Settings > SSH / GPG Keys > Add Key
    • In your terminal, cd .ssh from your home directory
    • Use either nano or code to open (if using nano, make sure to grab the full key!)
    • Paste the key where prompted in Gitea
  • Your GPG public key must be added to the pass database, and it must be signed by Jon. (transferring a key instructions here)
  • Nextcloud should be installed. NOTE: You can bootstrap without adding your server to, but after bootstrap your server must be in the inventory.

Bootstrap stage 1 script

Run these commands:
[NOTE: There's a bug in Ubuntu 22.10 (and newer Debian) that prohibits downloading with ansible-galaxy. Comment out the step in localhost-bootstrap.yml and install manually in ~/.ansible/collections.)

sudo apt install ansible git
git clone ansible --recursive
cd ansible
# Check out the "host_vars" repo, which has customizations for specific servers
git clone
# run the bootstrap stage 2. You'll be prompted for your 'BECOME password'; it's your user pw (for sudo).
ansible-playbook localhost-bootstrap.yml --inventory localhost, --ask-become-pass --extra-vars "ansible_user=ansible"
ansible-playbook provision.yml -limit [server_name]

Updated by Jon Goldberg 5 months ago · 32 revisions