Ansible cheat sheet » History » Revision 22
Revision 21 (Jon Goldberg, 10/16/2023 06:04 PM) → Revision 22/25 (Jon Goldberg, 11/02/2023 10:09 PM)
{{last_updated_at}} by {{last_updated_by}}
# Ansible cheat sheet
This page will cover some helpful one-line commands we can execute with Ansible to accomplish various tasks. Always run **git pull** and **git submodule update** before executing these commands.
### Synchronize a non-canonical site with the live site
ansible-playbook sync.yml -l mysite.local
* This works on test and dev sites.
* Depending on the sync strategy on the website inventory, it will pull from last night's backup, sync directly from the live site, or use the Pantheon API to make a backup/download.
* Only sites that pull from backup can sync to a site that's not on your local machine at present (I'll fix this at some point).
### Ad-hoc examples
#### Roll back a site to the latest commit (e.g. after a failed merge or failed local update):
ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a 'cd {{civiroot}} && git clean -fd {{civiroot}} && git reset --hard HEAD' mysite1.local,mysite2.local
#### Update all dev sites to the latest version of a submodule
ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a 'cd {{webroot}}/{{civicrm_custom_path}}/extensions/com.megaphonetech.monitoring && git checkout master && git pull && cd .. && git add com.megaphonetech.monitoring && git commit -m"Updated monitoring submodule" && git push' 'maintenance_civi:&websites_dev'
#### Send a drush command to multiple sites
This is trickier to handle places where we don't have root, but works.
ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a "PATH=\$HOME/bin:\$PATH; drush --root={{ webroot }} pm-disable -y print" 'maintenance_drupal'
#### Update a Civi extension only on certain sites
ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a "PATH=\$HOME/bin:\$PATH; cv --cwd={{ webroot }} ext:download --force extendedreport" site1.local,site2.local
ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a "cd {{ webroot }}; git add .; git commit -m'ExtendedReport 5.16'; git push" site1.local,site2.local
#### Send an arbitrary SQL statement to all Civi test instances with maintenance contracts
ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a "PATH=\$HOME/bin:\$PATH; echo \"UPDATE civicrm_job SET is_active = 0 WHERE api_action = 'group_rebuild';\" | cv --cwd={{ webroot }} sql" 'maintenance_civi:&websites_test'
# Check Civi version of all dev sites
ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a "cv --level=cms-full --cwd={{ webroot }} vars:show | grep CIVI_VERSION" 'maintenance_civi:&websites_dev'
# Find which dev sites have Shoreditch enabled
ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a "cv --level=cms-full --cwd={{ webroot }} ext:list --local | grep shoreditch" 'maintenance_civi:&websites_dev'
#### Set CLI PHP version across all servers
This is an example of server-level changes (others are site-level).
ansible --become -m command -a 'update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4' vps
#### Copy a local file to all servers
ansible --become -m copy -a "src=/home/jon/Downloads/goodphp81.php.ini dest=/etc/php/8.1/fpm/php.ini mode=0644 owner=root group=root" lamp
### Run a non-command module across all servers
ansible --become -m user -a"name=joseph state=absent remove=yes" vps
### Clear templates_c and flush cache on all maintenance servers
ansible --become -m shell -a "cd {{ webroot }}/wp-content/uploads/civicrm; rm -rf templates_c; cv flush" 'maintenance_civi:&maintenance_wp:&websites_live'
ansible --become -m shell -a "cd {{ webroot }}/sites/default/files/civicrm; rm -rf templates_c; cv flush" 'maintenance_civi:&maintenance_drupal:&websites_live'
### Install an unreleased version of an extension
# Need the key of the extension and the URL of the .zip file as arguments to `--bare`.
ansible --become -m shell -a "cv --cwd={{ webroot }} ext:download --force 'civirules@'" crcl.local
### Push changes to live and/or test sites
ansible-playbook update.yml -l [sitename]
# Do two or more sites - no space after the comma
ansible-playbook update.yml -l [sitename],[sitename]
# Wildcards require the single quotes. I like this approach because it's quicker to type
ansible-playbook update.yml -l '[wildcard keyword]*'
# Everything together
ansible-playbook update.yml -l '[wildcard keyword]*,*[wildcard keyword]*'