CiviCRM for Drupal 8 installation notes » History » Revision 12
Revision 11 (Jon Goldberg, 04/09/2019 04:17 PM) → Revision 12/24 (Jon Goldberg, 04/13/2019 10:53 PM)
{{last_updated_at}} by {{last_updated_by}} # CiviCRM for Drupal 8 installation notes * Make sure your composer version is up to date! The one that ships with civicrm-buildkit is quite old. * Run the composer command on [David Snopek's blog post]( that fits your scenario (creating a new site vs. adding Civi to an existing D8 site). * New site is: `composer create-project roundearth/drupal-civicrm-project:8.x-dev some-dir --no-interaction` * Add the following to `civicrm.settings.php` (modify the last line for your actual CMS root, and paste this after `CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL` is defined): ```php $civicrm_setting['URL Preferences']['userFrameworkResourceURL'] = CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL . '/libraries/civicrm/'; $civicrm_paths['civicrm.root']['url'] = CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL . '/libraries/civicrm/'; $civicrm_setting['domain']['userFrameworkResourceURL'] = CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL . '/libraries/civicrm/'; $civicrm_paths['cms.root']['path'] = '/home/jon/local/drupal8test/web'; ``` * If you prefer separate Drupal and Civi databases, [dump the Civi tables only]( and [drop the Civi tables]( Load them into a new database and modify your `CIVICRM_DSN` in `civicrm.settings.php` accordingly. #### kcfinder [Note there is an [open MR]( to handle the first two steps in `civicrm-composer-plugin`, and the third step should be included in Civi 5.13.] kcfinder (image browsing/upload within CKEditor) is currently broken. You need to do several things to fix. * First, copy it to libraries/civicrm: `cp -r vendor/civicrm/civicrm-core/packages/kcfinder web/libraries/civicrm/packages/`. * Your `<webroot>/libraries/civicrm/settings_location.php` must contain the correct path to the directory which contains `civicrm.settings.php`. * Apply [this PR]( to `<webroot>/libraries/civicrm/packages/kcfinder/integration/civicrm.php`. #### non-bootstrap scripts * To get `extern` scripts and `bin/csv/import.php` loading correctly, run this (to create a *second* `settings_location.php`): ```bash cat << EOF > vendor/civicrm/civicrm-core/settings_location.php <?php define('CIVICRM_CONFDIR', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/sites'); '../../../web/sites'); EOF ``` Alternatively, set BOTH `settings_location.php` values to an absolute path, e.g. `/home/jon/local/agbud8/htdocs/web/sites/default`.