Exporting Nationbuilder for CiviCRM » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Jon Goldberg, 11/29/2017 07:03 AM) → Revision 2/4 (Jon Goldberg, 01/16/2018 10:23 PM)
# Exporting Nationbuilder for CiviCRM
Nationbuilder notes:
Nationbuilder lets you download your data in Postgres 9 format.
**Settings menu » Database**
Click **Create Database Snapshot**, wait several minutes
### Configuring Postgres on Ubuntu
~~~ shell
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
# Optional: Postres GUI
sudo apt install pgadmin3
sudo -iu postgres
createuser --interactive nbuild
# superuser is "yes"
createdb nbuild
psql nbuild
psql -d nbuild -U nbuild -h --password -c "CREATE SCHEMA nbuild_africans; CREATE SCHEMA shared_extensions; CREATE EXTENSION hstore WITH schema shared_extensions; CREATE EXTENSION dblink WITH schema shared_extensions; CREATE EXTENSION citext WITH schema shared_extensions; CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm WITH schema shared_extensions;"
psql -c "CREATE SCHEMA nbuild_africans; CREATE SCHEMA shared_extensions; CREATE EXTENSION hstore WITH schema shared_extensions; CREATE EXTENSION dblink WITH schema shared_extensions; CREATE EXTENSION citext WITH schema shared_extensions; CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm WITH schema shared_extensions;"
# as your regular Unix user
pg_restore -d nbuild --password --format=c -U nbuild -h --schema="nbuild_africans" --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner /path/to/backupfile
### Contacts
`signups` table is the "civicrm_contact" equivalent
`signups.signup_type` is equivalent to Civi `contact_type`. 0 for Individual, 1 for Organization.
Households aren't a type of signup; they're in `households` and are connected to signups via `household_signups`.
### Email
Email is stored in both `signups` and `email_addresses`. They appear to have the same data, though if it's possible to how more than 4 emails, you'll only find them in `signups`.
is_bad and is_invalid are both variations on "on hold" - `is_bad` is a manually set option to mark an email bad on a per-email basis. `is_invalid` is based on bounce processing.
Email location types just aren't a thing in NB.
### Addresses
Postal addresses are in `signups`, but they're already normalized in `addresses`. While `addresses.signup_id` exists, it's a red herring. You use the following fields from signups to connect them: address_id, mailing_address_id, registered_address_id, work_address_id, billing_address_id, twitter_address_id(?), facebook_address_id, meetup_address_id, user_submitted_address_id, primary_address_id.
It would seem like this means that an address can have multiple location types, but that seems not to be the case. This makes mapping relatively easy.
As far as I can tell, there are addresses not attached to any record. This is an artifact of not being able to use foreign keys with their db structure.
Cool features of Nationbuilder:
* "User submitted" as a location type - better as a custom field IMO, but still cool
* Getting address data from Twitter etc.
* A field called "geocode accuracy" to indicate that an address isn't accurate enough
Sources: http://nationbuilder.com/edit_primary_address
### Contribution pages
The equivalent table is `donation_pages`. Note that donation pages are embedded in regular pages, so you'll need to join to the `pages` table on page_id (and next_page_id, if you want thank-you values).
`donation_tracking_codes` maps to `civicrm_financial_type`. See the "migrating website" section.
### Basic pages
Page info in `pages`, content in `basic_pages`.
### Social Capital
I haven't tested, but it seems very similar to the [CiviPoints](https://github.com/futurefirst/uk.org.futurefirst.networks.civipoints) extension.
### Events
Events are found in the `event_pages` table - there's also an `events` table, so maybe there's another type of event I'm not familiar with.
Times are in UTC; there's a time_zone field to indicate the offset. When Civi implements CRM-17618, the data structure will be comparable; until then, you must manually offset the date based on timezone.
In Nationbuilder, find events from the "Website" top nav, then find the "Calendar" page. Events will be a subpage of that.
### Participants
Found in `event_rsvps`.
When in Nationbuilder viewing an event, you'll find the data on the "RSVPs" subtab.