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Exporting Wild Apricot for CiviCRM¶
Reference: https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Exporting+members+and+other+contacts
- Contacts menu » List
- Press the Export button and export all fields.
A member can only be assigned to one membership level at a time, so you can safely use the Contacts export above. You don't need to use the separate Membership export that Wild Apricot documents (though you can; the same fields are available). Simply filter on the Membership Enabled field = "yes".
Membership Types¶
Reference: https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Membership+levels
Called "Membership levels" in Wild Apricot. Members menu » Levels. They can't be directly exported to CSV.
"Bundle" memberships are comparable to memberships that are extended by membership type.
Updated by Jon Goldberg about 7 years ago · 3 revisions