PRs MRs on CiviCRM » History » Version 2
Brienne Kordis, 09/27/2022 06:52 PM
1 | 1 | Brienne Kordis | # PRs/MRs on CiviCRM |
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3 | PR stands for "pull request" while MR means "merge request". |
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5 | ### Basic PR Process |
6 | 1. Fork the repository in question (usually either on GitHub or GitLab) |
7 | 1. Clone the repo by copying the ssh key from the repo and running the `git clone (*ssh key*)` on the command line |
8 | 1. Add a remote repo with `git remote add (*name of remote*) (*branch name*)` |
9 | 1. Push the remote repo with `git push (*name of remote*) (*branch name*)` |
10 | 1. Add changed files (`git add (*name of files*)` |
11 | 1. Commit staged files (`git commit -m ""`) with a message to describe the commit within the quotes |
12 | 1. Push the committed files (`git push`) |
13 | 2 | Brienne Kordis | 1. open the link given in the terminal after the last command is run to create a pull request |
14 | 1 | Brienne Kordis | 1. fill out the info to on the browser page to make the PR |
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16 | ### Cherry-picked PR |
17 | Use this when you want to *cherry-pick* a specific commit for a PR |
18 | 1. `git branch` |
19 | 1. `git checkout (*name of branch with desired commit*)` |
20 | 1. `git log` |
21 | 1. copy the commit id of the desired commit |
22 | 1. `git branch` |
23 | 1. `git checkout master` |
24 | 1. `git checkout -b (*new branch name*)` |
25 | 1. `git cherry-pick (*commit id*)` |
26 | 1. `git log` |
27 | 1. `git push (*name of remote*) (*new branch name*) |
28 | 2 | Brienne Kordis | 1. open the link given in the terminal after the last command is run to create a pull request |
29 | 1 | Brienne Kordis | 1. fill out the info to on the browser page to make the PR |
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31 | ### PRs on CiviCRM Release Canidates (RC) |
32 | 1. `git check out (*name of RC branch*)` |
33 | 1. `git check out (*the new branch that you made edits in*)` |
34 | 1. `git add` the changed files |
35 | 1. `git push` branch to upstream |
36 | 2 | Brienne Kordis | 1. open the link given in the terminal after the last command is run to create a pull request |
37 | 1 | Brienne Kordis | 1. change the ***base*** of the repo you are merging into to be release candidate for CiviCRM |
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