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Jon Goldberg, 04/03/2018 07:54 PM

Ansible Setup


Megaphone Ansible scripts assume Ansible 2.4+. If you're using Debian 9, install Ansible from backports.

sudo apt install ansible pass expect
sudo pip2 install python-linode #Needed for generating Linode VMs on the fly

# Debian 9:
sudo apt install -t stretch-backports ansible


Clone the password repo:

mkdir $HOME/.password-store && cd $HOME/.password-store
git clone ssh:// .

Clone the ansible repo:

git clone ssh://

Create an ansible.log file and make it world-writable:

sudo touch /var/log/ansible.log
sudo chmod a+w /var/log/ansible.log   

For security reasons, explicitly set the GPG keys who can decrypt passwords you create

cp .gpg-id.example .gpg-id

TODO: Git clone the `ansible` and `passwords` repos to the appropriate place; copy `~/.passsword-store/ to .gpg-id`.

### Localhost setup
[Note: You only need this to start managing your OWN host via Ansible, not to use Ansible to manage other servers]

* `sudo apt install acl` (This simplifies [becoming an unprivileged user](
* After adding your local computer to the [Server List](, create a folder for it in `<ansibleroot>/group_vars`.  Set any reasonable defaults, in particular `ansible_authorized_keys`.  This mitigates the security issue of having passwordless sudo access on each other's localhosts.

Updated by Jon Goldberg almost 7 years ago · 32 revisions