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Jon Goldberg, 01/17/2022 07:08 PM
{{last_updated_at}} by {{last_updated_by}}
Ansible cheat sheet¶
This page will cover some helpful one-line commands we can execute with Ansible to accomplish various tasks. Always run git pull and git submodule update before executing these commands.
Synchronize a non-canonical site with the live site's database¶
ansible-playbook main-playbook.yml --tags site-db-sync -l mysite.local
- This works on test and dev sites.
- Depending on the sync strategy on the website inventory, it will pull from last night's backup, sync directly from the live site, or use the Pantheon API to make a backup/download.
- Only sites that pull from backup can sync to a site that's not on your local machine at present (I'll fix this at some point).
Ad-hoc examples¶
Revert a failed local update¶
ansible '*.local' -m shell -a "cd {{webroot}} && git checkout ." --become --become-user "{{ run_as_user }}"
Roll back a site to the latest commit (e.g. after a failed merge):¶
ansible --become -m shell -a 'cd {{civiroot}} && git clean -fdx {{civiroot}} && get reset --hard HEAD' mysite1.local,mysite2.local
Send an arbitrary SQL statement to all Civi test instances with maintenance contracts¶
This is considerably trickier to handle places where we don't have root, but works
ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a "PATH=\$HOME/bin:\$PATH; echo \"UPDATE civicrm_job SET is_active = 0 WHERE api_action = 'group_rebuild';\" | cv --cwd={{ webroot }} sql" 'maintenance_civi:&websites_test'
Set CLI PHP version across all servers¶
This is an example of server-level changes (others are site-level).
ansible --become -m command -a 'update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4' vps
Updated by Jon Goldberg almost 3 years ago · 6 revisions