


Ansible cheat sheet » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Jon Goldberg, 07/15/2021 03:42 PM) → Revision 6/25 (Jon Goldberg, 01/17/2022 07:08 PM)

{{last_updated_at}} by {{last_updated_by}} 

 # Ansible cheat sheet 

 This page will cover some helpful one-line commands we can execute with Ansible to accomplish various tasks. Always run **git pull** and **git submodule update** before executing these commands. 

 ### #### Roll back a site to the latest commit (e.g. after a failed merge): 
 ansible --become -m shell -a 'cd {{civiroot}} && git clean -fdx {{civiroot}} && get reset --hard HEAD'    mysite1.local,mysite2.local 

 #### Synchronize a non-canonical site with the live site's database 
 ansible-playbook main-playbook.yml --tags site-db-sync -l mysite.local  
 * This works on test and dev live sites. 
 * Depending on the sync strategy on the website inventory, it will pull from last night's backup, or sync directly from the live site, or use the Pantheon API to make a backup/download. site. 
 * Only sites that pull from backup can sync to a site that's not on your local machine at present (I'll fix this at some point). 

 ### Ad-hoc examples 
 #### Revert a failed local update 
 ansible '*.local' -m shell -a "cd {{webroot}} && git checkout ." --become --become-user "{{ run_as_user }}"  

 #### Roll back a site to the latest commit (e.g. after a failed merge): 
 ansible --become -m shell -a 'cd {{civiroot}} && git clean -fdx {{civiroot}} && get reset --hard HEAD'    mysite1.local,mysite2.local 

 #### Send an arbitrary SQL statement to all Civi test instances with maintenance contracts 
 This is considerably trickier to handle places where we don't have root, but works 
 ansible --become --become-user="{{ run_as_user }}" -m shell -a "PATH=\$HOME/bin:\$PATH; echo \"UPDATE civicrm_job SET is_active = 0 WHERE api_action = 'group_rebuild';\" | cv --cwd={{ webroot }} sql" 'maintenance_civi:&websites_test' 

 #### Set CLI PHP version across all servers 
 This is an example of server-level changes (others are site-level). 
 ansible    --become -m command -a 'update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4' vps 