


Exporting Network for Good for CiviCRM » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Jon Goldberg, 07/09/2020 06:49 PM) → Revision 5/6 (Jon Goldberg, 07/30/2020 09:40 PM)

# Exporting Network for Good for CiviCRM 

 ## General tips 
 * All previous exports are available for (re-)download under the **Settings » Export** menu. 
 * Network for Good breaks up exports into groups of 7500.    You'll need to download all of them and concatenate. 

 ## Contacts 
 * Go to the **Contacts** section from the left navigation menu. 
 * Click the "Select All" checkbox.    Unlike CiviCRM, this selects all contacts, not just the current page. 
 * Press the **Export** button. 
 * Select all fields for export (unless you know which ones are "summary" fields, which can be ignored). 

 ## Donations 
 * As above, but on the **Giving** screen.    Do not export fields associated with the contact (other than Donor ID).    Do not export soft credits. 

 ## Soft Credits 
 * The same as *Donations* above; when you specify export, there is a switch to include soft credits, which appear on the line below the hard credit.    You can actually use this for donation import as well if you filter out soft credits.    Correlating soft credits to hard credits programmatically is a bit tricky, especially since a contribution can have multiple soft credits.    I have a Kettle script to handle this, but in short - iterate through the list of records, incrementing a counter field every time the financial type is NOT "Soft Credit".    This should give your soft credits and donations the same counter ID.    Then split the list into soft credits and non-soft credits, and do a lookup from the soft credit list to the hard credits. 

 ## Unsubscribes/bounced emails 
 This is not an exportable field, but you can go to **Contacts**, select **New Filter**, and select one of the following: 
 * *Has unsubscribed primary email* 
 * *Has bounced primary email* 
 You can then export as above.    I found that exporting the unsubscribed contacts' Network for Good only, then matching it against `external_identifier` and setting `do_not_email` to `1` worked well.    Likewise, you can export just emails for bounces, and match that against `` and set `on_hold` to `1`.