


Testing » History » Revision 3

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# Testing 

 ## Writing & Running Unit Tests 
 * Make a new file in the tests folder of the working directory. The file should be named after the file in which you are testing plus "Test" 
     * i.e. testing StuffFinder.php => StuffFinderTest.php 
 * Name the function after the function you are testing, plus "Test" 
     * i.e. testing findStuff() => findStuffTest() 
 * Can only test public functions 
     * if needed, step through the call stack to find a public function that is higher up in the stack than the desired private/protected function you want to test 
 * Whenever possible, it is best not to rely on an API call for a test, as it can introduce intentional complications that cause the test to fail when the part you're testing should pass 
 * To run a unit test, use this command: command, subbing in the correct path: 
 env CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests XDEBUG_SESSION=VSCODE phpunit7 (absolute path to file where test is written) --filter (name of test function) 
 *(subbing in 
    * *note to change the correct content within the parenthesis to what is indicated relevant to your particular test)*