


Exporting DonorPerfect Online for CiviCRM » History » Revision 11

Revision 10 (Jon Goldberg, 10/18/2020 03:16 AM) → Revision 11/13 (Jon Goldberg, 10/23/2020 04:47 PM)

# Exporting DonorPerfect Online for CiviCRM 
 {{last_updated_at}} by {{last_updated_by}} 


 ## Terminology 

 Here is some DPO terminology converted to Civi terminology: 
 **Gifts:** Contributions 
 **Links:** Relationships 
 **Contacts:** Activities 
 **Donor ID:** Contact ID 
 **Screen Designer:** Add Custom Fields/Groups (can also change layout here) 

 ## Exporting Contact Data 

 Data on the "Main" and "Bio" tabs can be exported to CSV by going to DPO's **Reports » Easy Report Builder**.    [Full instructions]( are available on the NeonCRM site.    You can also export Gifts, Contacts (Activities) and additional addresses from here. 

 Note that for option value (multiple choice/dropdown) fields, you can export the "Code" and/or "Description", which in CiviCRM correspond to the "Value" and "Label" of the option value. 

 ## Exporting Gifts 

 Exporting gifts works similarly exporting contact data, use "Easy Report Builder". 

 ## Exporting field definitions 
 Go to the settings (gear) menu and select "Screen Designer".    There is an "Export All Fields" button at the bottom.    Note that core and custom fields are mixed together here.    Note that more details are present in the export than are easily available from Screen Designer; conceivably a script to generate custom fields in CiviCRM could be created from the export. 

 ## Exporting Pledges 

 Pledges can't be exported with Easy Report Builder, but pre-written reports can be exported.    Go to **Reports » Report Center** and search for **Pledge** and you should find a number of reports.    Note that exporting in "Excel" format is actually HTML that opens in Excel; you'll need to re-save it or parse it with an ETL tool.    The `PLINK` field on gifts is the `pledge_id` and (assuming a pledge export exists that shows the Pledge ID, I didn't look too hard) you can use it to populate `civicrm_pledge_payment`. 


 ## Exporting Links (Relationships) 

 There is a pre-built report to do this - but it exports data in terrible shape. 
 * Go to DPO's **Reports menu » Report Center**. 
 * Click **Listings** in the left pane. 
 * Select **Open** next to the *Relationship/Links List*. 

 This report only exports to "Excel" - while it opens in Excel, it's actually an HTML table.    It also contains data in a very difficult format to work in.    See the Megaphone Tech [Kettle Github repo]( for a transform that will convert these to a Civi-ready format. 

 DPO creates a reciprocal link from B->A when creating A->B, but deleting a link doesn't delete the reciprocal link.    While this may have a legitimate use in some cases, in my experience one-way links are data errors. 

 ## Exporting Activities (Contacts) 

 Both DPO migrations I've done have had the overwhelming number of activities (98% or more) be "Constact Contact Mailing".    Ask the client if they want to migrate those.    If not, you can filter them directly within DPO when running the report with a filter like: `(DPCONTACT.ACTIVITY_CODE <> 'CC' OR DPCONTACT.ACTIVITY_CODE IS NULL)`.    You may have over 1 million activities otherwise, which exceeds the download limit for DPO. 

 ## Exporting Tributes (In Honor/In Memory/On Behalf Of) 

 Tributes are different from their equivalent (soft credits) in Civi.    Whereas in Civi, a soft credit is always to a person (e.g. "In Honor Of Jane Doe") in DPO, they're a separate entity ("Jane Doe's 70th Birthday") so you can't easily map them to Civi.    You could try matching the names against donor records.    You can export the Tribute list from DPO's **Reports menu » Report Center, Financial Reports tab** and click **Tribute Gift Listing**. 

 ## Exporting Option Values 

 To download a list of all the option values for select boxes etc. in DonorPerfect, go to the settings (gear) menu and select "Code Maintenance": 
 ![Screenshot of DonorPerfect settings menu]( 
 You can select "Show Only" on the Code Maintenance screen to export only a single option value, but it's easiest to export all of them and filter later.